
Scarlet Lotus Chapter VIII: Hunted

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Chapter VIII: Hunted
“It was ok, I lost.”
“Well, yeah, you were playing against yourself, so you also won.”
“What’s for breakfast?” She said, walking over to the table.
“More of what David packed, sausage, cheese, um,” He paused, thinking. “Juice.”
“Ugh, really?”
“Well, we didn’t have much else, so he brought what we had.” She grabbed the salami off the table where Michael had put it.
“How was your night, Michael?”
“Decent, aside from the fact that I had nothing to do with you playing chess against yourself and David sleeping.”
“That sucks, how’d you sleep?”
“Didn’t, still getting used to the place, I guess.”
“Same here, David seems to not mind.” She took a bite of the salami.
“Yeah, I think it has to do with the fact that he’s with Dad staying the night in town one night somewhere and home the next night. His home is where he lays his head.” Michael stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a plate and a knife. He set the dishes on the counter, pulled the refrigerator open and grabbed some cheddar cheese. While he sliced two three fourth inch pieces, he said “I should probably go wake David up when I’m done.”
“I could go do it. But I’d wind up sticking ice cubes in his bed or something.” Michael looked at her, surprised. “What?”
“Two things: A, you’re in a very good mood and b, why ice cubes?”
“’Cause I’m mean like that.”
“Why are we putting ice cubes in my bed?” David asked, entering the living room.
“To wake you up.” Tina answered simply.
“You’re right, you are mean.”
“Only sometimes.” The lights flickered. “Oh shit.” Tina unsheathed her dagger and looked around. The lights flickered again.
“That’s a bit of an understatement, I think.” Something big hit the door hard, startling everyone. “Yeah, definitely an understatement.” Whatever it was hit the door again, splintering it. Michael and David unsheathed their swords. BANG! The door exploded, sending shards of wood flying in every which direction. A massive, hulking creature easily the size of a pickup truck rose up onto its hind legs, nearly touching the ceiling. It growled, rumbling the ground under Tina’s feet and swung a clawed hand at David. He ducked and grabbed a chair. Using the combined momentum of his doge and standing, he threw the chair into the thing’s leg, knocking it onto its knees. Tina took this opportunity to plunge her dagger into its eye. She yanked the knife out, bringing the impaled eye with it. Blood began spilling out of the wound as the monster stood again. Michael grabbed the two-bladed sword off the couch and readied himself to receive an attack. It targeted David again, knocking him into the wall opposite the door. He landed in a crumpled heap and did not stand. Michael looked over at his brother and then to the creature and charged at it, he was also knocked aside like a fly. Tina stared at them in absolute shock. How did that happen so fast? I should’ve been faster, now I don’t know if they’re dead or not. She glared at it. It growled again. Dodging a swing, she slid between its legs and sliced one open. It screeched, suggesting she had hit a soft spot. It kicked her to its left; she rolled and hit the wall next to the door, dazing her. Just great, now I’m about to die. She thought as it came closer. Its clawed hand clenched into a fist and was brought back. A white flash illuminated the room. Tina shut her eyes to avoid the worst of it. When she opened them, the monster was gone and Michael stood there, blade at his side, a golden glow subsiding from him. He walked over to her and helped her up.
“Are you alright?”
“Fine, especially since I’m half blind and I hurt.”
“Well, the good news is we’re alive,” He chuckled.
“Even David? He took a bad blow from that… thing.”
“Yeah, I’m ok.” David said with a grunt, getting up.
“What was that thing?” She asked.
“A nabasu.” Cay said, entering the house. Michael and David exchanged quizzical looks with each other. Cay walked over to where the corpse should have been. “A large one if I had to hazard a guess. You are lucky to have survived.”
Tina looked at Michael and David and sighed. “It’s ok guys, he’s a friend.” They still looked uneasy.
“If he,” Cay said motioning to Michael. “Had not done what he did, it is very possible I would not have been able to prevent your death.”
“I almost didn’t make it in time to keep it from at least hurting you, I was pretty certain I was just a little too late.”
“The point is, you did, and… thanks.”
“What’s a naba, naba- whatever it was?”
“Something of the evil energies we call Ilumnai. A nabasu is used as a shock troop, moving artillery in the Dark Armies. Apparently, they have declared open warfare on you, Tina. Since their assassin failed, they-”
“Wait a sec, you know?” Cay was struck speechless. “Well, it’s on the table, so you may as well tell us what’s up.”
“As you know, Tina, and as you two may know,” He pointed at Michael and David, “I have been trailing you since your first encounter with the assassin; I have not hindered you, however, I also have not hindered the assassin. My presence was to remain secret from both sides until I had identified which query was the assassin and then I would reveal myself to the opposing side and help them against her.” He took a breath. “I have identified the respective sides and am now helping you against her.”
“You say this as if you are, or were, under orders,” Michael observed.
Cay nodded. “De Civitate Flammas,” Michael’s and David’s eyes widened. “A certain person with high standing in the court has requested me to do this.” The other boys’ grips tightened on their swords. “I assure you, I have no fealty to any other court member. If I did, you could most definitely assume that you would not be standing where you are now.”
“Court? Which modern nation has a court anymore?”
“England, technically.”
“That’s Parliament, and different.”
“I think it’s about time your definition of normal changed, Tina.” David said. He looked at Cay.
“I am going to take you to De Civitate Flammas.” He walked out the door and waited for them to follow.
Tina followed first, seeing that Michael and David were not trusting Cay, but would follow her to Hell and back. Cay led them to an abandoned mobile home. The wood was half rotted; holes were present in every plank that made up the building. The paint had long since bleached and peeled away, leaving a dull grey crusty look to the place. The door appeared to house three termite colonies and was hanging off of its hinges. Cay gently pushed the door open, taking care not to disturb the termites and held it open for everyone. The entry way quickly gave way to a large lobby. A long grey marble counter stretched the entire wall on their left. Cay walked up to it. A squat, round man popped up with a knife ready and put it down when he saw Cay.
“Eh, damn customers. What can I do fer ye?”
“I have three guests that I am taking to De Civitate Flammas.”
“Heh, The City of Flames, pray ye don’t get burned.” He handed Cay a set of keys. “The sixth key goes to the sixth door on yer sixth right.” Cay took the keys and went to the marble stairs. Tina followed, curiosity enveloping her even more with every step. The further up they went was a hundred years; the stairs were now made of embellished stone worn away with use and age. The second floor was similar, except the doorways were gilded arches with elm doors. The third floor had an iron banister and maple doors.
After climbing more stairs Tina even bothered to count, they reached the landing of the seventh floor. “Remind not to do that the next time I decide to go upstairs.” She said, stretching a few steps away from the landing. Cay started walking down the hall as soon as David came onto the landing. Six right turns and six doors later, he stopped. “Is everyone present?” He asked, sliding the key into the door.
“Yeah, everyone’s here. Go ahead, open it up.” He turned the key and opened the door. A gust of warm mountainous air rushed out and almost knocked Tina off her feet. Michael and David, being at a weird angle weren’t hit as badly, but they still stiffened as the wind hit them.
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